Hello readers!

My focuses when it comes to youth development is student-centeredness, social issues, and community engagement. In order for our youth to make a change in the world, they need to feel like they matter, and they need to know what is going on around them. We shouldn't be excluding youth out of "adult" conversations of the news, we should be including them. Here, I will advise on how we can do so, and how we can get youth more involved in education and their communities. It is no doubt that student engagement in schools have been decreasing for the past twenty years. Let's change that.
I am Liz Malone and I am a third year student at University of the Pacific. I am majoring in English and minoring in Ethnic Studies and Teaching Professions, meaning I will be graduating with my teaching credential and will soon be on my way to teaching my own class soon.
I started this blog as a resource for educators, future educators, and people who work with youth in general for different programs. While I may not be an expert on youth development, I plan on using my experience in the classrooms I have volunteered in, as well as my experience with the non-profit Changeist, to use as content for my posts. I will also be using articles and books, as well as interviewing local influential people who work with youth.

My focuses when it comes to youth development is student-centeredness, social issues, and community engagement. In order for our youth to make a change in the world, they need to feel like they matter, and they need to know what is going on around them. We shouldn't be excluding youth out of "adult" conversations of the news, we should be including them. Here, I will advise on how we can do so, and how we can get youth more involved in education and their communities. It is no doubt that student engagement in schools have been decreasing for the past twenty years. Let's change that.
Welcome to Change Starts with Youth, and remember, change starts with youth.
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